
Available on server: Hardcore Parkour

Speed record bySpeedSet on
creature of hp1110qu/s1 year ago
PosPlayerTimeReltimeSet onHardcore
1creature of hp2:28.09s0.4101 year ago500
2ion.amino6:00.89s2.4365 months ago125
3khanate6:12.46s2.5151 year ago124
4ecas7:34.51s3.0691 year ago117
5gay (anal sex)7:56.33s3.2161 year ago116
6malice  [No chat]8:19.81s3.3751 year ago109
7522:happy8:38.72s3.5022 months ago108
8plaza9:37.04s3.8961 year ago106
9eof.OP310:01.32s4.0603 weeks ago104
10JSaurusRex12:11.68s4.9402 months ago102
11Gouldron (pea soup enjoyer)13:09.70s5.3321 year ago97
12Dr Yes13:50.04s5.6042 months ago96
13[BOT]Mirio14:58.85s6.0691 year ago93
14profSensei 23:04.51s9.3491 year ago91
15CYBERMAKS30:46.83s12.4702 months ago88
16Dolphinana35:18.11s14.3021 year ago85
17Mark☢⚛☠36:36.59s14.8321 year ago82

Recent games

3 weeks ago


2 months ago

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2 months ago


5 months ago

ion.amino 26:00.89s ( 7:31.73s )

1 year ago

malice  [No chat]68:19.81s
plaza79:37.04s ( 11:55.02s )

1 year ago

plaza711:55.02s ( 14:00.02s )

1 year ago

plaza814:00.02s ( 16:25.85s )

1 year ago


1 year ago

khanate 26:12.46s ( 7:16.69s )

1 year ago

khanate 27:16.69s ( 8:36.25s )

1 year ago

creature of hp 12:28.09s ( 2:34.81s )

1 year ago

gay (anal sex)47:56.33s ( 10:16.91s )

1 year ago

creature of hp 12:34.81s ( 2:45.02s )
ecas 37:34.51s
gay (anal sex)510:16.91s ( 11:09.02s )

1 year ago

creature of hp 12:45.02s ( 2:45.97s )

1 year ago

creature of hp 12:45.97s ( 2:50.82s )

1 year ago

khanate 38:36.25s

1 year ago

creature of hp 12:50.82s ( 3:05.29s )

1 year ago

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gay (anal sex)411:09.02s

1 year ago

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522:happy 310:23.80s

1 year ago

New speed record by creature of hp: 965qu/s

creature of hp 13:38.54s ( 3:54.17s )

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Gouldron (pea soup enjoyer) 313:09.70s

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

ion.amino 17:31.73s ( 10:09.97s )

1 year ago

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1 year ago

New speed record by ion.amino: 831qu/s

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